Dumbwaiters, also known as service lifts, have been around for thousands of years and they’re still relied upon in many establishments today. They are essentially small freight lifts that allow loads to be transported between floors with ease and efficiency - especially thanks to the modern electric mechanisms used.
In this blog, we’ll be looking at the benefits that these lifts offer. Whether used to transport laundry loads in hotels or freshly cooked food in restaurants, read on to learn about how they could be a beneficial addition to your business.
Compared to a traditional lift, service lifts use 50-75% less space. This makes for an easier and quicker installation, one that keeps space free elsewhere to be utilised for alternative purposes - or simply to preserve the building’s architecture!
Furthermore, their smaller size also means that dumbwaiters use less energy than a traditional lift, require less maintenance and ultimately have a longer lifespan.
Increased Efficiency
Dumbwaiters are a great way to increase efficiency in an establishment. Since they allow goods to be independently transported between levels, this frees up the time of staff to then crack on with other tasks required of them, rather than wasting their time having to go up or down an elevator themselves or the stairs, which would take even longer still.
Not only does this free up staff members’ time, but this also means items will be transported quicker, as they can travel directly from A to B in one, quick journey.
Reduced Risks
When manually handling items, there’s always a risk of accidents occuring. For example, a waiter holding a hot plate runs the risk of dropping hot food and burning themselves, or someone carrying a large pile of laundry or heavy delivery box may trip and hurt themselves.
These risks are heightened should people then be required to navigate stairways at the same time. Dumbwaiters, however, completely mitigate these risks, since there’s no requirement for people to physically carry these loads themselves - the only time they will need to do so is when loading them in and out of the dumbwaiter.
This is yet another way in which productivity is increased, since the potential downtime caused by accidents is reduced.
Whilst service lifts are most commonly used in hospitality establishments, they can also be used in home environments.
For those who have limited mobility or dexterity and therefore may struggle to manually handle certain items, having a dumbwaiter in the home offers them a safe and convenient way to transport items between the floors in their home.
Service Lift Installations by Eternal Elevators
Whether required for domestic or commercial use, here at Eternal Elevators in Scotland, we can provide and install dumbwaiter lifts capable of carrying either 50kg and under or 100kg and under.
To learn more about the capabilities of these lifts or to discuss your requirements, then get in touch with us today.